Ethical, Compliant Value Creation_

We have built long-term relationships with financial organizations across the world based on mutual trust. We offer access to our proprietary and value-enhancing technical and product capabilities to render data the most compliant, enriched and valuable it can be.

Together with our ethical approach, this opens the door for organisations to unlock the intrinsic and financial value of their data, while enabling meaningful Environmental, Social and Governance outcomes.

Our suppliers include global banks, card issuers, and open banking fintechs.


Our approach

Evaluate and understand

We help you understand and identify the value potential of your data across multiple factors.

How? By leveraging our cross-industry expertise for rapid value identification across multiple factors using automated analytics.

Anonymize and cleanse

We ensure your data is clean and free of any personal information whilst structuring it to fit an easy-to-use data schema allowing data to be shared seamlessly.

How? By employing our Machine Learning & AI driven engine for smart data compliance at scale and in multiple languages.


We complete your dataset by filling missing attributes and enrich it with merchant tagging to help you understand the true spend profiles of your customers.

How? By using our advanced attribution framework to build models using our proprietary AI to deliver scalable, accurate and fast data tagging.

Deliver high margin revenue

Our experienced commercial team market Fable’s data products, successfully enabling us to deliver you a regular revenue stream

Data Partnership Value Chain


The benefits of partnering with us

Enhance the value of your data

Use our proprietary technology to enhance utility of your data. Add it to our diverse set of solutions to generate value in a broad range of internal and external use cases.

Inform global decision making

By joining together datasets from different providers and nations, decision makers are able to draw on a much larger set of information, enabling them to make more informed decisions.

Create lasting ESG impact

Through our Data for Good initiative, economic decision makers can have access to the most up-to-date insights in the market. Partner with Fable and help make lasting ESG changes.

Generate new revenue

We ensure your data is being used ethically and compliantly and can provide you with a reliable and long-term revenue stream.

“This partnership contributes meaningfully to our local revenue. By adding our data to Fable’s existing data pool, the Bank has actively increased the value of its own data asset by combining it with other transaction data for maximum impact.

Our Legal and Compliance teams were also impressed by Fable’s approach to data regulation and ethics.”

Chief Data Officer, Tier 1 Global Bank

“We are working with cutting edge technology and financial partners from across Europe, to build anonymized consumer and business data sets that are real-time, large scale, accurate and predictive. We can see and assess the economy in real-time”

Luke Kennedy, Fable Data CEO


Challenges to realising value from transaction data

Regulatory compliance
Traceable user chain consent
Unstructured data analysis
Harmonized unified data model
Aggregated multiple data sets
Global signal creation
Dataset churn and skews
Flexible data productization
Go to market know how
Consistent product delivery

Be part of the data future

Researchers and policymakers are tapping into alternative data sources to improve the quality of evidence used for economic decision-making.

Through our Data for Good initiative, Fable Data works with universities, research organizations, and national and international economic decision makers across the world. By sharing our data on a pro-bono basis, we help generate faster and more accurate insights into how the world works and how it is changing.

This leads to better policies and, ultimately, better outcomes for more people.

Our Data Suppliers are encouraged and supported in joining us on this journey, allowing them to make a positive ESG impact with their data.


Fable’s data is trusted by many of the world’s most influential organizations including…


Frequently asked questions

Yes – at Fable Data, compliance is of utmost importance and we are a personal data free institution. We take a dual approach to anonymising data – we require our data suppliers to carry out anonymisation before sending data over  and we apply checks and processes internally. We have proprietary software that goes beyond the current regulatory requirements to ensure that all sensitive and personal data is removed.

Fable Data recognizes the importance of ethical and legal rights when it comes to protecting individual users’ autonomy and privacy. We review our data suppliers’ privacy policies and terms of use to make sure that appropriate consent is taken from individuals before their information is shared or used. At Fable Data, ensuring the safety of an individual’s data is at the forefront of our compliance practices.

Fable Data has developed a valuation algorithm which takes into account not only the quantity of transaction data but also the quality. Our multi-partner model allows us to create value out of complementary datasets by assembling them in one place – thus allowing us to monetize your data at a premium rate.  Please get in touch for more information about dataset value.

At Fable Data, we understand the power of data to improve decision making everywhere. That is why we work with leading financial institutions around the world. Our highly detailed and large scale datasets are generated in partnership with global banks as well as cutting edge open banking fintechs, offering clients access to over 8 billion transactions every year. To ensure our clients always get high quality data, all of our compliance methodologies have been developed with support from both global banks and independent organizations.

At Fable Data, we believe that data is a powerful tool in driving the most effective economic decisions. Our Data for Good initiative provides pro-bono data to universities, research organizations and national and international decision makers across the world. This allows us to help make meaningful changes at every level of the economy. In addition to our non-profit work, we also offer premium services to corporate clients seeking for-profit data solutions. With our commitment to accuracy and timeliness, Fable Data stands ready to contribute towards achieving our vision of a world where all economic decisions are made using the best data possible.

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