
Partner research_

IMF – The Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks on Credit Card Spending

Researchers at the IMF have published another working paper using Fable’s data. The paper demonstrates the advantages of having high-frequency data to help improve the identification of the effects of monetary policy. The differences are particularly noticeable when compared to more traditional data sources on consumption, which are usually subject to less frequent aggregation. Additionally,...

Partner research

Growth figures don’t tell us what we really need to know about economy

Of more potential use is research from the likes of University of Nottingham professor John Gathergood and his colleagues using real time credit card spending figures from data firm Fable, giving a more recent picture of where the spending is happening.  The authors rightly point out that with such surgical data on spending available – the Fable data is available with a one-day lag – the opportunity is there for the Government to offer surgical support with policies such as business rates relief.

Market Insights

Leading academics team up with Fable Data to examine the rising inequality in UK economic recovery

Our academic partners at Chicago Booth School of Business and Nottingham University have published their latest research into UK economic recovery in the second half of 2020. The research examines the economic impact across regions, highlighting the variations in consumer spending patterns and the unequal distributions of financial impact as a result of lockdown measures...

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